First I want to apologize for the long absence and lack of posts.
Recently I lost someone near and dear to my heart and it has been very tough on me. I am not trying to give off a "poor me" vibe, but I just wanted to make it clear that, despite what some people seem to think, I was not getting paid to keep quiet, bribed, scared off, or anything like that. Nor, by the way, would I ever let that happen.
My absence was just because I was grieving, and on top of that I recently got into a car accident. My friend was driving and we were T-boned ( Everyone is fine though I did receive a few minor injuries like a few bruised ribs, a concussion, and the reawakening of my back and neck problems). I have also been distracted with my mom's declining health, and of course the never ending battle to see my nephew.
Later on this week I will be discussing how I feel about my brother running for Mayor of my home town of Wasilla, as well as what I thought about his appearance on ’The View.’ (Did you see that Barbra Walters practically demolished him verbally?)
I will also soon give my honest opinion on the huge Trig controversy. What I know to be true, what I believe to be true, and how some of my opinions have changed based on all that I have heard and seen in the last two years. I will include the infamous photos and the inside details to everything I can remember from the day I went to the Palin home and first met baby Trig.
However, I want to limit all of the questions and rumors regarding Bristol, simply because I do not want my blog to be all about Bristol Palin. That was never my intention and NEVER will be.
Recently I have been trying my best to reach out to Bristol because I miss my nephew terribly, and I would really like to work on our relationship. But of course that does require that both people to want to make the relationship work, and so far that does not seem to be the case.
That being said I do hope that one day she too will want to establish a relationship with the aunt to her child, if for no other reason than for the benefit of Tripp. I truly believe that Tripp deserves all the love in the world and that’s exactly what I want to give him!
Once again I am very sorry for the long absence and thank you all for being so sincere, demonstrating such a caring attitude, and being so supportive of my family. Bless you all.
Welcome back - and so sorry for your loss. I hope writing here will be healing. Looking forward to your posts :)
Sorry for your loss, Mercede. Your picture is perfect for your post. I'm glad to hear that you haven't been intimidated.
I thought the view interview was interesting. Barbara tore Levi apart but when she interviewed quitter queen she couldn't have been more softball.
Welcome back... am so sorry to hear of your loss, and hope your health issues are healed soon... no need to apologise to anyone, your family & health are the most important things and everyone understands why you needed time for them.
*hugs* and have a great day!
I'm sorry for your loss Mercede. And I hope you're healing spiritually and physically. I look forward to reading more.
Bristol has been in Los Angeles for quite a while. At times, we saw that she had Tripp and a baby sitter with her. Then, we heard rumors that Tripp was in Alaska. Just wondering if you know where Tripp is and who is taking care of him. Also, in most child custody cases, one parent is not usually allowed to take the child out of state without the permission of the other. I know that Levi is involved with running for mayor and making appearances. Did he allow Tripp to be taken out of Alaska for such a long period of time? I'm sure that you and your mother would have been delighted to take care of him while Bristol was Dancing with the Stars.
Oh hon, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's never easy to have to let go of someone near and dear.
Hang in there, it will become easier to deal with eventually.
Take care
Welcome back, you take all the time you need, don't rush into anything. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time. Your mom is always in my prayers too.
First off: {{{HUGGGZZZ}}} and my condolences to your loss! Just remember all the good times you had with that person, and remember that as long as you have that person in your memory, that person will be in your heart, and will be with you forever - just in a different form! {{{HUGGGZZZ}}} again!
Now, re. your accident: Make sure you do not sign any disclosure forms for insurance. They will want you to sign them, and you can, but make sure you add "AS IT PERTAINS TO THIS CASE" ! Otherwise, they will be able to drag up ALL your medical history, and decline any claim of yours based on 'pre-existing conditions'! (This advice has been given to me by an attorney, and I ALWAYS make sure I put that clause in when I sign one of those disclosure forms!
Also, get yourself a good accident lawyer. He/she can advise you on how to go ahead with your treatment (you WILL need treatment for your bruised ribs and for your already aching back! - and he/she will also be able to maximize your pay which is due to you from the other person's insurance. Do not worry about having to pay the lawyer - accident lawyers usually work on contingency, i.e. they get paid only if you get paid, and they get a percentage from that - not one penny out of your own pocket.
Good luck!
Welcome back, sweetie! We missed you!
None of us out here in blog commenting land had any idea that you were going through a personal tragedy behind the scenes (other than the usual nonsense you have to deal with!) Please take extra good care of yourself, get plenty of rest, be extra good to your body as you recover from those bangs and bruises from the car accident (I'm so glad you're okay!) and know that we out here who have been following your journey wish you and your family ALL the best. You shine out into the world of blogging with a very special light, and we're grateful for it.
So sorry for your loss, Mercede and to hear of your car accident injuries. Hope you make and full and quick recovery. It's so good to know that you have not abandoned your blog and that you have not been brow beaten into silence.
You say that you will be posting your opinion on the Trig controversy in an upcoming submission. I think we are all very interested to hear what you have to say. Since you evidently want to keep the lines of communication open with Bristol, I don't expect you will be revealing any earth shattering confessions in that regard. That's entirely understandable.
Nice to have you back Mercede. I'm very sorry you lost someone near and dear to you. I wondered about your absence but honestly never thought you had been paid off to stop writing. You've always come across as being very sincere and a straight shooter who is not afraid to speak her mind. You also write from the heart, and that mature balance of head and heart in such a young adult is what makes your writing so engaging.
It was smart to take some time off when you felt you needed it. There are always people who will make judgments without having all the facts, and some of your readers may also have unrealistic expectations of you based on what they want you to say.
I am glad you've decided to address the Trig question and look forward to reading about it. I hope that people will take what you say at face value and not look for hidden messages, or accuse you for trying to cover for Bristol, etc. I can respect your desire to have a relationship with the mother of your nephew, and not wanting your blog to become a forum for bashing her.
I actually think that the manner in which you have written about Bristol in the past speaks to that. While you described some very unflattering behavior on her part, it was in the context of how hurtful it was to you and your family, and how it pertained to events that occurred. I never saw any gratuitous insults or derision on your part for the purpose of being hurtful yourself, and in many cases you seemed to give her the benefit of the doubt when others would not have been as generous.
While Bristol is probably unable to see it that way, there is a big difference between speaking the truth and simply lashing out at someone. I hope that some day she will have the ability to separate her feelings for you from the benefit to Tripp of bonding with both sides of his family.
Sincere condolences on your loss, Mercede.
Take care of yourself. I hope you're able to get physical therapy for your neck and back. Those 'minor' car injuries can cause nasty, nagging problems for years.
So glad to hear from you again. I was worried about the Grizzly Mafia and intimidation.
Sorry for your loss. Grief is a very long process. One day you're fine, a week later the slightest little memento can set you off.
Take care.
Glad you are keeping it classy. Tripp deserves to know ALL of his family members. My daughter is a single mom who does not get along with her son's father, but she has made sure that my grandson's paternal grandma and aunt have had lots of time with him. It's only fair to everyone. Your mother's heart must be breaking over not being able to spend time with her first grandchild, as must yours.
I'm sorry for all your troubles past and present. I hope they soon lighten.
Can you tell us your opinion on the relationship status of Levi/Bristol? I just find it so confounding that when she refers to Levi, she talks about dirty laundry, and the PAST, and wants the public to believe she was PLAYED by Levi.
When Levi is asked, he always says their relationship is great and that they are friends. Both things cannot be true.
(my guess is he is trying to maintain civility for the sake of his son)
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I didn't know Mom was sick. I think you & your family a lot. I have so much respect for you,Levi & your mother.
You & your family have always been polite, respectful & consistent.
Can't say that that other family. Mercede, please believe that God's delay is not God's denial. And no, I am not a holy roller, I'm spiritual.
Keep your head held high. You are a lovely young woman.
I hope mom's health improve.
Everyone knows Barbara Walters is a witch who puts herself way up above everyone else. She did go soft on palin because she didn't want the political fallout from the palinbots. I don't know why she chose to chomp on Levi, maybe because he makes himself an easy target. Regardless of what bristol wanted, he should never have given away his integrity. That allowed him to be chewed on some. Hope he's learned. I hope you feel better and are able to get some care. I hope you answer the questions about trig on the issue of integrity alone because no matter what you do, the palins are not interested in acting in tripp's best interest with his other family. They could care less about you or your mom reconnecting with Tripp. Same with levi. They have no moral compass. She doesn't even act in her own children's best interest. If bristol were trying to do the right thing with trip, she could have left him with you guys and his dad. She is her mother's daughter. That is the way it will be. Be strong, be honest. Be led by the truth always. You have done a very good job so far. Walk in strength and graciousness always toward your authentic self.
I am sorry to hear you have had a bad patch and I hope you are healing both emotionally and physically. I hope your mom is getting good medical care.
You've made it back!!! Good to hear from you. Now take i as it goes, 1 day at a time.
Sorry for your loss, but good to see you writing again.
I gotta ask - is that pic up Hatcher Pass road?
Welcome back! Your supporters will not go away. I've been checking in every few days. God bless you and family.
Glad you're back!
I'm sorry for your loss and your car accident. Hope you start feeling better soon, and I hope things start to turn for the better for you. You deserve it. :)
That pic is great! Reminds me of the cover of one of the Jean Auel "Clan of the Cave Bear" series. I think it's the second book.
Every life has its ups, downs, challenges... how we handle them reveals our character, or, should I say, gives us opportunity to learn about ourselves.
You have the world watching and listening, that is a huge load for young shoulders. Take care.
Mercede, I'm sorry for your loss, and everything else you have to deal with. Sending HUGSSS and positive vibes your way!
Sorry for your loss. Keep looking at the heavens like you were in that fantastic photo. Maybe you should go through Levi to see your nephew. Levi did say on The View that Tripp was in CA with Bristol and he may stop by to see him while he is in CA. Levi and Bristol both seem to be busy in the lower 48. Neither seem to be spending a lot of time in Alaska and seem to have reached an agreement between each other on Tripp's care. Wishing you and your mom a quick recovery.
Sorry for your loss. It's good you took some time to grieve, some don't and then they are hit by overwhelming feelings when it is most inconvenient and they may not even realize why.
Make sure to ask lots of questions of any doctors that check out your injuries from the car accident and take time to be sure you are mentally recovered from the trauma of the car accident too.
About blogging your opinion on Babygate, I urge you to put your own interests first. If you have any revelations to make, do so through a trusted source that can help you, and pay you.
You owe the Palins nothing - think of yourself, get yours, get paid and be strong.
one day at a time my dear.. best wishes to you and your mother. there is some good advice given by commentators above. don't shrug them off. especially about signing disclosure forms and getting competent legal advice.
Sadie, you've got a nation of supporters out here who have your back. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from your accident and your grief. Sending positive thoughts to you all the way from FL. Peace.
p.s. - couldn't agree more with Beibi's advice above.
Mercede, so sorry about your loss. I saw the View and was fuming that BaBa treated Levi like that - right after lecturing Joy and Whoopi that they should treat invited guests (Bill O'Reilly) like guests. He has done nothing to earn her disdain. In my opinion Levi is a victim, he's just a kid who was dragged into the mud by Palin, used by her, and then discarded. Palin's calling him "Ricky Hollywood" is incredibly hypocritical in the light of her own greedy grab for stardom, and let's not even get into daughters stripping on television, or dancing in monkey suits. I find him sweetly humble, and wish nothing but the best for him, and you.
I do not think Levi cares what Barbara Walters thinks of him. Levi is laughing all the way to the bank and giving interview after interview.
I hope that you can validate Andrew Sullivan with his baby conspiracy. He does not seem like the conspiracy theory type.
Hey Mercede,
Are you close to having your new post wrapped up yet???
Wow, you've been going through a lot; my sympathies are with you for all the trials you've experienced. So sorry to hear that your Mom is failing. I'm sure she would be heartened to have both Levi and Tripp in her life more. That is so sad.
You've gotten lots of advice from many of the commenters; take what you can use and leave the rest. We are eager to hear what you have to say about Babygate when you are ready.
Best wishes.
hi mercede
would be interested to know what are you looking out on in the picture? is that wasilla? love the landscape.
sorry about your loss. things like that put life into perspective very fast does it not.
glad to see the establishment will finally take sarah barracuda down now. they used her the whole time to fire up their base. but, day after the midterms, now you have ex pres bush and peggy noonan calling sarah a nincompoop. she wont be able to stop this now. and she won't have the backbone to tell bush to man up like she has said to others. i think she has seen her highest point already and it will be all downhill from here.
i am very proud of alaskans, taking the time to learn and write down lisa murkowski's name. this is historic what is going on up there, it has not happenned in 60 years. very proud of the residents these days for what they did.
it will be good to have murkowski up there another 6 years. she will have a platform to remind us all whenever we forget, that palin quit on her state, is a quitter, and could care less about anyone else but herself. this is a very good result from this election.
Hey no pressure, Mercede, but we're all waitin' for your next post. ;)
Mercede, many tune in on your website because they are curious. I tune in because I care about you and your family after reading all what you and yours have been though. I so much relate as to what happened to you in my own life, but more that that I admire your stick-to-ivness and your loyalty to family first. It won't always be this hard....carry on, hold your head up...do what you have to do....you will eventually learn to laugh with the gods. Don't let a challenge make you sad. These challenges are gifts and make you stronger. Any way I have 3 grown children in their 30's and every day I pray for their well-being and Mercede I always include you and your mother too. Just want to let you know you are not forgotten.
Concerned about you, Mercede. I hope all is well.
Could you let us know that you are ok? Do you still have plans to comment on the Trig controversy?
Dear Mercede,
If you can cast any light on the Trig controversy it would be most appreciated. In an interview done many months ago Levi and his lawyer were asked about Trig's parentage. I seem to remember that the lawyer replied that (I'm paraphrasing)-We can't state for a fact that Sarah gave birth to Trig.
That is just amazing. In any event, good luck and please take care of yourself.
Mercede, I have been anxiously awaiting the post that you said you were going to say all that you knew about trig.......I am shocked that you guys have been so trashed by the palins and bristol continues to take shots just again this week on dwts about her being a golden girl and never problems until she was with levi.....why is he not going to court about her talking negatively about him....the judge said that was not supposed to happen....and the jr high crap that she and her sister got into with some guys on facebook.....I am hoping you write this story ....you have nothing to lose....that you haven't already lost......the palins don't care and feel impervious to anything you guys can do.....it's time to strike or at least getting close to the time to strike........a machievellian approach....take no prisoners.....no wounded...kill them outright......slay them with the truth that you can prove.....if you can't then wait....the time will come....I feel bad for levi.....btw....do you think bristol is pregnant or just putting on a lot of weight? Is she still seeing barber.....the one that called her and asked her if she was pregnant right after she broke up with him and went to levi......????? Shejust answered "no" not "of course not...how could I be....I am not having sex with anyone!!!!" but she didn't answer that way....just a simple no. to me, sounded like a girl still having sex. wishing you well, and your family......but I am awaiting the final end to this dramedy of the palins.....
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